IO-2: Educational Materials

Intellectual Output-2: Educational Materials 

Educational materials are developed for elective courses in engineering education. The materials are specific to the related courses on cork composites, cork in aerospace, natural products, etc. Students and teachers are able to benefit from the educational materials within these courses. Main material is the textbook, which is a comprehensive reference source in the field. Moreover, lecture presentations, videos and quizzes are available as the supplementary materials in this context. 


Please click to access Textbook produced within IO-2. 

English IO2_Textbook
Turkish IO2_Textbook_TR
Spanish IO2_Textbook_ES
Portuguese IO2_Textbook_PT
Lithuanian IO2_Textbook_LT
Polish IO2_Textbook_PL


​"Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."