Intellectual Output-1: Educational Curriculum
Educational Curriculum is developed considering aims and objectives, content, strategy, method, target groups and assessment on cork composites in aerospace sector. This output is extremely innovative since including the environmental effects of the cork composites as well as eco-friendly and sustainable properties. Students are benefitted from this curriculum in the trainings. Awareness is aimed for educating environmentally conscious engineers in the field. The lack of social and environmental consciousness in technical people will be compensated by developing this curriculum.
Please click to access Learning Modules produced within IO-1.
Please click to access Learning Module Presentations produced within IO-1.
Presentations | IO1_Module-1 | IO1_Module-2 | IO1_Module-3 | IO1_Module-4 | IO1_Module-5 |
Please click to access Trainers Guide.
Trainers Guide | Trainers Guide |
"Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."