Intellectual Output-3: E-Learning Platform
E-learning platform provides all the educational materials and tools for the users. These materials are downloadable and available for free under an open access grant. E-learning platform consists of five main classes, including 5 Modules, Textbooks, Additional Materials, Chatbots, and Case Study. Each Module has sub-classes, providing Lecture Presentations, Walkthrough, Review, and Quiz. Moreover, each sub-class presents Video Lectures regarding the educational materials.
Please click to access E-Learning Platform produced within IO-3.
Module-1 | E-Learning Platform: Module-1 |
Module-2 | E-Learning Platform: Module-2 |
Module-3 | E-Learning Platform: Module-3 |
Module-4 | E-Learning Platform: Module-4 |
Module-5 | E-Learning Platform: Module-5 |
Textbooks | E-Learning Platform: Textbooks |
Additional Materials | E-Learning Platform: Additional Materials |
Chatbots | E-Learning Platform: Chatbots |
Case Study | E-Learning Platform: Case Study |
"Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."